Orienteering Victoria - Park & Street Orienteering

Event Start Directions Guide

+ Clicking the link in the [Location] column redirects to the Google Maps site:

+ Clicking the link in the [Map] column redirects to the Apple Maps site:


 Please report any Corrections, comments or enhancement suggestions to the Series Coordinator

# Latitude/Longitude

Did you know?
You can use Google Maps to find a decimal Latitude/Longitude reference for any location on the planet by Right Clicking
on the desired map location and clicking on the first option: Latitude/Longitude reference

The corresponding Latitude/Longitude reference will be pasted to the CLIPBOARD.

Google Maps

If you have never used Google Maps then we suggest that you

 Watch a Google Maps YouTube Tutorial

 After a little practise it is relatively straight forward to use Google Maps to obtain directions to an event.

+ Please refer to your chosen Map Page for the Copyright notice, Terms, and Privacy Policy etc.