A message from Carl

30 March 2020

My experience from 37 years working with large corporations in Europe and Australia has taught me that an important message needs to be delivered once. To that end, OV is trying to bring options to our members but always based upon the correct assumption that every Victorian understands the message from the Premier and the Chief Health Officer. At the risk of contradicting myself by giving health advice – all Victorians should stay at home; and when exercising, do that locally.

At this stage I don’t anticipate sport to restart in Victoria for many months. From an Orienteering Victoria perspective we are managing this month to month, with the latest update being all events listed for April have been either postponed or cancelled. However it is recognised that the Eppalock 3-Day Weekend planned for Queens Birthday Weekend will be impacted. If OV is able to run an event at this time, it will be in a different format and location to that advertised.

There have been questions relating to the Orienteering Victoria finances and lack of income with events cancelled.  I am working with the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions on OVs financials and the impact of COVID-19. All Sporting Associations including Orienteering Victoria have completed surveys that capture finances. I am optimistic of receiving financial support – however, the resignation of the Executive Officer has removed by far our largest expense. OV will go in to a period of stasis; and I believe we are in a sound position for the moment.

OV is open to advertising any content or activity you wish to lead that you believe is of value, as long as it is in the guidelines dictated by the Government and OA, and follows the OV policies inclusive of our Social Media policy. But, my personal recommendation is no visitors/visiting, stay home unless shopping or exercising locally and look after each other as many are losing their jobs.

Carl Dalheim
President, Orienteering Victoria

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