MelBushO is Back! Cardinia Reservoir Park, Sunday August 13

Come and enjoy the final Melbush-O for 2023! MelbushO 9 is on Sunday 13 August at Cardinia Reservoir Park, Emerald (enter from Cardinia Creek Road, off Wellington Road). Bayside Kangaroos is organising this event and invites orienteers to enjoy a range of courses to suit all abilities. The courses provide some interesting challenges in a beautiful setting with lots of wildlife close to Melbourne.

Bring your family and friends for a great introduction to our sport and stay for a BBQ or a picnic afterwards. Start from 10am – 11.30am and courses close at 1pm.

Pre-enter to avoid the queues and guarantee a map of your choice here, by Thursday August 10.  You can also enter on the day at Registration.


1 = approx 6-7 km (hard navigation)
2 = approx 4-5 km (hard navigation)
3 = approx 3-4 km (hard navigation, physically easy)
4 = approx 4-4.5 km (moderate navigation)
5 = approx 2-2.5 km (easy navigation)

All courses are Line format, meaning you must visit each control in numerical order, and return to the Finish.

Coaching and assistance will be available for all newcomers.  Starts from 10.00am-11.30am, with course closure at 1.00pm.
Controls will be in SI Air mode, however non SIAC sticks will also work. Loan sticks will be available at the Registration tent.

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