Millennium Club Milestones – New Hall of Fame Member and Touring Legend

Congratulations to the latest Millennium Club members to achieve significant milestones this month:

Peter Dalwood joins the ranks of Touring Legends, after completing his 1500th event at Montgomery Park on Saturday May 25th.  Peter’s involvment stretches back decades, and we have Peter to thank for the introduction of Scatter and Score formats.  Peter’s contribution includes multiple maps, numerous courses set, and he was Park Street treasurer for a number of years, laying the foundation for the currently used accounting processes.

Debbie Dodd becomes the 4th member of the Hall of Fame, after completing her 2500th event at the Croydon Hills EndurO on Saturday June 1.  Debbie’s first event was at Nortons Park in November 1999, and she has been hooked ever since.  Debbie is the current Park Street coordinator, runs registration at many events, and manages the Multipass payment system.  She also enjoys course setting on a regular basis.

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