OTrack – New Park Street Event Entry System

From Saturday June 12, you’ll notice a change to the check-in and event entry process at Park Street events.  There will be a quick, easy extra step which you can do from your phone.

First, add the OTrack web page to your phone’s home screen – open your phone’s browser and navigate to www.vicorienteering.asn.au/otrack.  Add it to your phone’s screen as a shortcut, in a location where you can easily access it.

When you arrive at an event, you’ll first need to check in for contact tracing, using the Services Victoria QR code. This will be on a poster at Registration.

After your QR code check in, the next step is to enter the event, so that organisers have your name and phone number handy.  To do this, simply go to the OTrack web page, and tap on the OTRACK PARK STREET EVENT ENTRY link.  A shorter, simpler version of the GuestTrack visitor form will open.  Fill in your name and phone number, and email (optional). Choose the correct Payment Type, then hit Submit. If you are at a Geelong event, you just need to tick the box; if not, you can ignore it.

Keep the confirmation screen open to show to Registration; they’ll tick your name on their Starter list, validate your payment, and point you towards the Start. You’re good to go!

When you return, you MUST report back in person to Registration, and make sure your name is ticked off as a Finisher. Then you can check out, using the OTRACK CHECKOUT link. Simple!

The OTRACK web page also provides three handy links – you can download MapRun6 onto your Android or iPhone; and you can order a MultiPass10 – a secure online method of paying for 10 events in one go.

Don’t have a smartphone?  Don’t worry – our friendly volunteers are ready to assist.  We’ll get you up and running – or walking – in no time!

Please read, or re-read, the updated Park Street Participant Guidelines, which explain OTRACK in more detail, as well as providing all sorts of necessary information to help you participate safely.

OTrack - Park Street Event Entry

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