OV Junior Training Camp Report

Over 3 days we had 16 junior orienteers and their families participate in a range of training and development sessions and social activities facilitated by the support of 12 of our volunteer coaches.

On Thursday we headed to Mt Tarrengower, where Clare Brownridge set training courses on often very challenging terrain. This included a guided map walk picking out key features and how to simplify the terrain in morning. The afternoon session focused on putting these techniques into practice. Those newer to orienteering were assisted with their navigation around the courses by Rob and Helen Edmonds and Jim Russell. Thanks to Richard Goonan for putting out tapes for the sessions.

Thursday night for those who stayed at Koolamurt scout camp were treated to Sophie’s trivia questions, where teams Firebirds, Green Eggs and Ham, Pink Fluffy Bunnys and Thinkers were challenged with their general knowledge.

Friday we headed off to Chewton diggings and were joined by additional juniors and their families who made the trip up for the day. Bruce Arthur led the training sessions with the assistance of coaches Mason Arthur, Peter Hobbs, Nicola Dalheim, Jacqui Knee, Jim, Rob and Helen and Peter Mousley.

The morning’s session focused on route choice options, with repeated running of legs to same controls and comparing times: was it faster to run the wider tracks or navigate across country? Discussions highlighted the difference for each orienteer depending on experience and complexity of the leg. The afternoons session consisted of a 6 team relay catering for all abilities (beginner to experienced) with ‘gaffing’ of legs. All the juniors enjoyed being part of a ‘team’ especially the younger ones getting to know and chat to the older juniors. Future relay training opportunities were highlighted as a point for development.

Friday night – for those heading back to camp were encourage to try night orienteering – some for the first time. Focus was on direction due to low visibility. Thanks for Clare for putting out the controls and assisting. Sophie and Jim enjoyed a head to head run in the dark.

On Saturday morning our final training session focussed on running across similar terrain as the previous night but with much greater visibility, practicing skills and techniques introduced over the past 2 days before heading off to the Bendigo event at Royal George.

– Wendy Taverna
Coaching Coordinator and Camp facilitator

Junior Training Camp

Find out more details on this camp and how to register for it.

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Koolamurt Camp

Have a look at the Junior camp accommodation at the Koolamurt Scout camp

Camp brochure

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