Park Street Special Event This Wednesday at Mitcham

PARK STREET UPDATE – Special Event This Wednesday

 Wednesday 20 October will see the first use of the Mitcham map under its new name, Stirling Hill.  The map has been renamed in honour of Ian Stirling; we invite everyone to come along and remember Ian, with a map in your hand and some (long awaited) sun on your face.  The start location is Heatherdale Reserve, Purches Street.  Whilst the start window is 6.30pm-7.00pm, there will be presentations afterward (at approx 8pm), for the Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Winter Series.  We will also mark two milestones, and there will be a portable BBQ brought along for anyone who wants to BYO dinner.  Please stay on after your run or walk, for this special evening.

MEFTY Award – the winner of the 2022 Most Events for the Year is once again Steven O’Connell; this is Steven’s fourth MEFTY win, equalling Stuart McWilliam.  This year, Steven attended 143 events.  Other top scorers were Noel McVey (125 events), Peter Yeates (123 events), Lauris Stirling (106 events), Mark Besley (102 events) and Robert Hudson (98 events). Congratulations!  Our most recent season got off to a late start in November 2021, but events then ran continuously until the end of September 2022.

Millennium Club Milestone – Pamela King has achieved the incredible milestone of 1500 events, giving her the status of Touring Legend, and putting her on the nominal Round Australia tour.  Pam has notionally travelled some 400 km past Darwin and is heading towards Mt Isa.

The expanded 14-week Geelong Series gets underway this Thursday, with 7 weeks of events between now and early December, and a further 7 weeks in February-March 2023.  Geelong events have a mass start at 7pm, and offer four Run and a PW course.

What’s On This Week –

  • Monday – Glen Eira East, Bailey Reserve, Gardeners Road, Bentleigh East
  • Tuesday – Footscray Central, Library car park, Paisley Street
  • Wednesday – Stirling Hill (Mitcham), Heatherdale Reserve, Purches Street – special event with presentations and BBQ
  • Thursday – Woodridge, pre-school car park, Novello Court, Eltham
  • Geelong – Lion Country, Leopold Memorial Park, Melaleuka Road, Leopold

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