Vale Colin Steer and Phil Hutton

There is more sad news this week, with the passing of two longstanding members of the Victorian orienteering community.  We lost Colin Steer (NE) and Phil Hutton (BK) recently.  Both were regulars at streeto, and their Millennium Club records show that Phil had completed 328 events, and Colin had completed 233 events, since January 2000.

But of course there is far more to the story than just the numbers.  Phil was instrumental in starting the Schools Competition between Scotch College and Camberwell Grammar School, which of course is still going today.  Phil’s name will join that of Roger Slade and Gordon Wilson on the trophy that is awarded to the winning School each February.  And when you search for the name “Steer” in The Millennium Club Rankings, you see not only Colin, but wife Jenny, son Martin, daughter in law Janine, and granddaughters Asha and Lanita, all of whom have been so heavily involved in orienteering as a family.  Our condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of Colin and Phil.

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