VIC Long Champs, Evenmoore I am sure Nillumbik Emus breathed a sign of relief when the weather turned on a much better day than predicted. It was cold yes, but warm in the sunny patches and no rain. Rex’s courses included a mix of short technical legs in the gold mining and interspersed with some longer legs and staying in contact with the map was essential. Congratulations to all of today’s winners and a big thanks to Nillumbik Emus for running this event. Winners of the Elites grades were: M21E 1st: Patrick Jaffe 2nd: Aston Key 3rd: Nathan Lawson W21E 1st: Natasha Key 2nd: Belinda Lawford 3rd: Asha Steer Full results can be found HERE Winsplits HERE Photos of the event and prize giving HERE Share this