Victorian Secondary Schools Champs A Resounding Success

The Victorian Secondary Schools Orienteering Championship was staged on Friday May 13th at Macedon using a picturesque new start area in the southwest corner of the Regional Park. Courses traversed a range of terrain through areas of pine plantation, with the senior boy’s course extending across the railway line into a small section of bushland. With potentially wet conditions forecast, the few light showers on the day were not a problem. Luckily the low cloud throughout the day didn’t create a thick fog, and while the reduced visibility did increase the challenge of navigation, most students complete their course.

In planning the event, a range of initiatives were introduced and proved to be largely successful, in particular the additional Maze Orienteering course. With a solid team effort on the day by all our helpers, we delivered a fantastic experience for the students. Without everyone’s help on the day, it would not have been possible to run the event. Thanks also go to the clubs who were able to provide equipment. With new initiatives came new challenges, and the need for adaptability, but all up, VSSOC22 was a resounding success (some even said “best ever”).

A gallery of photos from the day is available here

Huge thanks to Schools Officer Richard Goonan.

Victorian team selection for the Australian Orienteering Carnival:

Held in conjunction with the Australian Orienteering Carnival, Orienteering Victoria supports a full team of both junior and senior secondary school students to compete at the Australian schools champs. The team will comprise of up to 6 competitors in each of 4 age categories up to a maximum of 20 students. The 4 categories are:

  1. Junior girls and boys: 15 or younger at 31 Dec
  2. Senior girls and boys: 16 or older at 31 Dec

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Victorian Schools Orienteering Team. The selected team will travel to the 2022 Australian Orienteering Championships Carnival in central Victoria from Fri 23 Sep to Sun 2 Oct 2022. The 2022 nomination form and selection policy can be found on Eventor.

Several selection events are scheduled in May. Final nominations are due by 27 May 2022.

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